Mini Crimes Special

  • Year: 2022-2023-2024
  • Players: 1-8
  • Age from: 8+

In your hands you have an investigative case that you can play alone or with friends. It takes little space, a little bit of time and a lot of ingenuity. But remember, one case leads to another!

More details
  • Year: 2022-2023-2024
  • Genre: Detective
  • Game Design: Remo Conzadori and various authors
  • Illustrazioni: Stefano Tartarotti
  • Graphic: Margherita Cagnola, Martina Marzulli
  • Players: 1-8
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Age from: 8+

Show Mini Crimes Special

Are you sure you always have the solution at hand? Well, with this game it’s possible! The box is so compact and convenient that it can very well be hidden in a capacious pocket, or in a small bag… just like a murder weapon…

Mini Crimes is a series of investigative and cooperative games designed by Remo Conzadori. On this page you will find all the special and off-season cases!

Mini Crimes - Danni Irreparabili - Agatha Mystery

Agatha Mistery, an aspiring detective with an extraordinary instinct, travels the world with her goofy cousin Larry, her faithful butler and her cat Watson to solve the most intricate mysteries. The book series, which began in 2010, has been translated into 26 languages. The series is published in Italy by De Agostini.

Mini Crimes - Trick or Treat

Just before Halloween, someone attacks Edward Pumpkin in his living room and ransacks his themed garden-who wanted to ruin him? A special case for October 31st, written by Christian Giove and illustrated by Stefano Tartarotti!
