Il Leone Bianco d’Acqua
- Year: 2023
- Players: 1
I hold the talisman to my chest. I still remember when she gave it to me, after passing the ritual of the first hunt: she was already very old and fearsome, just like now. The Ancient opens her eyes, her irises darker than her skin. "Jengo, I have news to tell you and a mission to give you.... "

- Year: 2023
- Genre: Game book
- Illustrazioni: Arianna Vertuani, Luigi "Bigio" Cecchi
- Developer: Christian Giove
- Graphic: Margherita Cagnola
- Players: 1
Show Il Leone Bianco d’Acqua
Il Leone Bianco d’Acqua is the first game book of the Mini Mondi series, created by the winner of our 2022 edition of the Corti in gioco Contest, which will drag your imagination inside the world of Jengo, a young hunter, whose hues are strongly imbued with African atmospheres, tribal magic, and fantastic creatures that mix mythology and spirituality.
Seven possible endings
and several goals to unlock!

Mini Mondi
Mini Mondi is a series dedicated to game books. Within these pages you will find exciting tales that will tease your imagination and test your decision-making and intuitive skills. Each tale actually presents a story that will unfold over multiple crossroads, have more than one ending and many goals to achieve. This will allow you to reread and replay the same story over and over again to achieve different outcomes!